

1. 社員個人情報と利用目的

(1) 社員個人情報

① 氏名、生年月日等の基本情報

② 給与賞与、税扶養家族等の賃金・社会保険・家族情報

③ 所属、役職等の人事および付随する在籍時の情報

④ 福利厚生・健康管理情報

⑤ 個人番号(家族含む)

(2) 利用目的


① 税務・社会保険手続き

② 適切な雇用情報の管理

③ 履歴情報の管理

④ 退職者に対する情報提供・連絡等

⑤ 委託等を含む当社に関連する業務の適切な維持・管理

2. 安全管理措置について


3. 委託先管理について

当社は、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において、個人情報の取扱いに係る業務の全部または一部を委託する場合があります。 具体的には、給与・報酬計算業務などがあります。

4. グループによる共同利用について


共同して利用するものの範囲 利用目的
グループ会社等 事業活動と人事の一般的な管理、福利厚生およびその案内のため
IT システムの運営管理、ビジネス継続、営業再編、その他営業活動のため


5. 外部への提供について


① あらかじめ、本人が同意されている場合

② 法令に基づく場合のほか、個人情報保護法により本人の同意を得ないで本人の個人情報を第三者に提供することが認められている場合

③ 利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において、業務を外部(米国等の外国に所在する事業者を含みます)へ委託する場合

④ 個人情報を共同利用する場合

6. 個人情報の開示について


① 本人又は第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合

② 採用決定時資料、配属・人事異動経緯、人事評価・各種評価資料、各種社内選考経緯、その他当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合

③ 他の法令に違反することとなる場合


7. 個人情報の訂正、利用停止など



8. 管理責任者



人事業務チーム Japan.HRSS_Helpdesk@metlife.co.jp

エイジェンシー業務チーム AG_Eigyosomuka@metlife.co.jp


MetLife Insurance K.K. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) has set forth the necessary rules and regulations as follows to properly handle personal  information related to hiring of employees and former employees (including those who resigned from the Company’s predecessor, Japanese branch of American Life Insurance Company (hereinafter referred to as “Japanese branch”)) based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure and other related laws and guidelines.

1. Personal Information on Employees and Purposes of Use

(1) Personal information on employees

① Basic information such as name and date of birth

② Information on wage, social security and family such as salary and bonus and dependents

③ HR and related employee information such as section/department assigned to and position

④ Information on welfare and health management

⑤ Individual Number (including family)

(2) Purposes of use

The Company uses personal information of employees and former employees for the following purposes.
The information will not be used for other purposes.
Individual Number will be used only for the item ① below and it will not be used for the other purposes.

① Tax / social securities processing

② Appropriate management of employment information

③ Management of employee record information

④ Information provision to and contact with former employees

⑤ Appropriate maintenance and management of entrustment and other operations related to the Company

2. Safety Measures

The Company shall always take appropriate measures to insure the latest and accurate personal information. In addition, the Company shall expend all possible means to prevent unfair access to personal information and missing, destruction, falsification or leakage of personal information, as well as implementing the individual safety measures in terms of the organization, technology and personnel required by the laws, etc.
Regarding the companies which are entrusted works by the Company and handle personal information, the Company shall make those companies execute the same strict management of personal information. In the event of the occurrence of a misconduct of personal information, the Company shall respond to it promptly and appropriately.

3. Vendor Management

In some cases, the Company shall entrust all or a part of operations concerning personal information handling within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purposes of use. Specifically, the entrustment includes the operations of calculation of salaries/benefits.

4. Shared Use among Group Companies

The Company may share some personal information among group companies as follows:

Shared users Purposes
MetLife member companies, etc.
  • General supervision for the business activity and HR, and providing welfare programs
  • HR information analysis, processing, employee management, administrative operation conducted jointly with member companies
  • For good communication and in a state of emergency
  • Managing IT systems, business continuity, restructuring of marketing force and other marketing activities
  • Compliance with laws and regulations, legal processes, litigation, complaints, internal whistle blowing and investigation, and compliance with other internal rules
  • Corporate policies related to company asset, monitoring of compliance with code of conduct

*Group companies, etc.: MetLife Inc., MetLife Investment Management Japan, Ltd., Fortissimo Co., Ltd. and MetLife Health Insurance Society, MetLife Group companies listed “www.metlife.com”.

5. External Parties

The Company will provide personal information to external parties only in following cases.
The Company will not answer inquiries from external parties in principle.

① When the individual has agreed to the provision

② When providing personal information to third parties without gaining the consent of the individual is allowed based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, in addition to cases based on laws and regulations

③ When operations are entrusted to external parties (including business operators located in foreign countries such as the U.S.) within the scope necessary for achieving the purposes of use

④ When personal information is jointly used

6. Disclosure of Personal Information

The Company will disclose personally identifiable data retained in the database (including a record of provision to third parties) at the request of the individual to whom the data relates.
However, the Company shall not disclose the data if applicable to all or a part of following:

① Possibility to harm the life, physicals, assets and other interests of the individual or the third party

② Materials at decision making of hiring, facts behind HR transfer and assignment, HR evaluation and associating materials, facts behind internal selection to various programs, and other materials that may harm proper business of the Company or equivalent

③ May be subject to violation of law

* Contact the following for requesting disclosure of personal information.

7. Correction of Personal Information, Suspension of Use, etc.

When receiving a request of correction, etc. of personal information (correction, addition and deletion), a request of suspension of use, etc. (suspension of use, deletion and suspension of provision to third parties), the Company shall confirm identity and respond to the request within the scope which does not affect the Company’s operations. When a request cannot be met, the Company shall explain reasons to the individual.

* Contact the following for requesting correction of personal information, suspension of use, etc.

8. Responsible person

Persons in charge of Personal Information related to Employment Management shall be a person who falls under the Head of human resources.


Those who are and were Naikin employees of Japanese branch or the Company
HR Shared Services Team: Japan.HRSS_Helpdesk@metlife.co.jp

Those who are and were Captive Agents of Japanese branch or the Company
Agency Administration Team: AG_Eigyosomuka@metlife.co.jp